How To Prepare Ceremonial Cacao

If you've already purchased your Ceremonial Cacao from Mamma's Shop, but not sure how to prepare the Cacao, this blog post will walk you through how to do it.


How To Prepare Ceremonial Cacao

1- Set your space

When having ceremonial cacao, it's important to have a quiet and peaceful area where you can spend time being fully present with the Cacao medicine.

You can also use music to set the mood. Here's a playlist we made just for you incase you want music at your Cacao Ceremony:


2- Have your bag of Mamma's Ceremonial Cacao ready

IF you're out of Mamma's Ceremonial Cacao, you can purchase more here:


3- Fill a small cooking pot with water (or plant-based milk) and heat

The water (or plant-based milk) should NOT be boiling hot, but hot enough to dissolve the Cacao. To preserve the nutrients of the Cacao, it is recommended to NOT heat the liquid more than 60 degrees celsius.


4- Measure 20-42g of Mamma's Ceremonial Cacao

Measure 20-42g of Mamma's Ceremonial Cacao so that when your pot of heated liquid is ready, you can place your Cacao in the heated liquid.


5- Put the Cacao in the pot, stir and set your intentions

When the water (or plant-based milk) has heated, put the Cacao in the pot with heated liquid, then stir with a whisk and as you stir, mindfully set your blessings and intentions for the Cacao. We have found time and time again that when we consciously bless and give thanks for the Cacao, wonderful and magical things follow.


6- Add your spices to the Cacao

After the Cacao has fully dissolved, add your favorite spices to your Cacao drink. Some ideas of what you can put in your Cacao drink are cayenne, cinnamon, honey, cardamom and etc.


7- Enjoy

Now that you've prepared your sacred ceremonial cacao, it's now time for you to be fully present in your sacred space, say your blessings, and enjoy a fine cup of Mamma's Ceremonial Cacao. Enjoy ❤️

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